Monday 29 April 2013

Week 32: Life Cycles and Moving Towards 50

Weekly Centres
April Portfolio
We're still working away at our portfolio drawing and writing.  Now everybody is writing as much of their words as possible with, when needed, some phonetic clues from Mr. McCullough.

Sunflower Snap Cubes
We measured our sunflower, comparing the height from last week (3 snap cubes) with the height this week (9 snap cubes).  We then had to make a prediction about how tall it would be next week, using snap cubes to represent the new height. 

Making 50
Similar to our "100 Dots" activity from the 100th day of school, we worked with a page that has been split in five section, adding ten items of our choice to each section. 

Spring Word Books
Our Spring Word Books were so big and detailed last week, we couldn't possibly get them all finished at once.  So we're finishing them this week, tracing our words, reading them with our friends, and adding pictures to each page.

Class Caterpillar
Some paint and some toilet paper rolls were used to create a body for our class caterpillar!

Books We Read
Little Red Riding Hood
A Froggy Fable
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
From Egg to Butterfly

Other Things We Did
We worked with the idea of 50, learning that 5 groups of 10 makes 50!  However, we also learned that 10 groups of 5 makes 50!

More "That's Not A Number!", this time with the numbers 6 and 9!

We talked about the life cycle of a butterfly.  We started with the egg, then went to the caterpillar, then proceeded to the cocoon, and ended up at butterfly.  We also played a metamorphosis game that involved switching between the different stages (though not always in order).

We talked about summer and how, even though it's really warm this week, we're not there yet.  We also used our sound-spelling strategies to creatively spell the other seaons.  We were pretty close!

We figured out if we were being good friends to our worms.  We decided we hadn't, since we hadn't fed them in a while.  So we gave them some cucumber and predicted if it would still be there by Monday.

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