Monday 22 April 2013

Week 31: Celebrating Earth

Weekly Centres
Spring Books
We started making books about spring!  On each page, there was a different spring word like "flowers" or "buds" or "butterfly".  We had to write the word using the outline and then draw a picture of that spring thing!

Little Earths
Using round coffee filters, as well as blue and green food colouring, we created mini-Earths by painting the colours on.

Recycling Sort
We sorted our recyclable bins into hula hoops, choosing how we wanted to sort them.  We'll talk at the end of the week about the proper way to sort recyclables!

Frog Life Cycles
After talking about the life cycle of a frog, we created our own frog life cycles using plastecine.  We made frog eggs, tadpoles and, of course, frogs!

Stories We Read
Hansel and Gretl
Never Put a Frog in the Kitchen Sink
The Lorax
The Life of a Tadpole

Song of the Week
Never Put a Frog in the Kitchen Sink
Never put a frog in the kitchen sink,
The kitchen sink, the kitchen sink.
Never put a frog in the kitchen sink,
or your mother's gonna yell!

Who put a frog in the kitchen sink?
The kitchen sink, the kitchen sink?
Who put a frog in the kitchen sink?
Your mother's gonna yell!

Other Things We Did
We celebrated Earth Day with the whole school, watching skits and songs about what we can do to help the Earth.  We then went back to the class to talk about what we saw and different things we can do.

After reading "The Lorax", we talked about why it's important to protect the environment and how, if we try to get too much from something, we can sometimes end up with nothing at all.

Our class sunflower has started to grow!  It's currently three cubes high!

We're adding to our garden by planting beans in the classroom!  Each student will be adding water to their bean every day, waiting to see how it grows!

Our favourite game show, That's Not A Number, was played again, with the number "6" being the ticket to our dance party.

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