Sunday 16 December 2012

Week 14: Making Books

Short and funny week this week, with the PD Day on Friday and Mr. McCullough away on Thursday afternoon.  Still, here's what we managed to get done.

Books We Read
Press Here (again, since we would be using it this week)
Lisa & The Snowman
A Silly Snow Day

Weekly Centres
We practiced our letter "M" on chalkboards, on the ground, in the air and with crayons and pencils.

Using the items we found last week on our fall nature hunt, we created repeating patterns using leaves, pine cones, small rocks, sticks and wood chips, and then glued them to pattern strips on the wall.

Press Here Bookmaking
With the help of our reading buddies, we created our own, six page "Press Here" books, using action words like shake, tilt, blow, press, push, rub and tap.  We used red, yellow, green and blue stickers and some special shiny bug and jewel stickers for the last page.

Other Things We Did
We built words that started with a "MA" sound, like man, mat, mad, and a few others.
We hung up our Only In Fall, Only In Winter drawings so they could rotate like a mobile.
We read a few of our own Press Here books and practiced all the different actions.
We talked about "found patterns" in the classroom.
Mr. Hanson showed us a Charlie and Lola story on his Smartboard.

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