Wednesday 9 April 2014

Week 29: Book Club, Bullying and Building

Books We Read
Oliver Button is a Sissy
My Princess Boy
And Tango Makes Three

Weekly Centres
Word Grid
Using our sight words as practice, we filled up a "word grid" with different words from our word wall.  It was definitely good printing practice for us!

Book Club Pages
Everybody picked a page from their favourite Book Club book and did their best to copy the picture and the words.  We then read the page to Mr. McCullough.

Magnificent Junkyard
Building on our Magnificent Tree creations from last week, we now started building 3D structures out of the recycled materials that have been brought into class.

Number Stories
Mr. McCullough introduced the idea of "Number Stories" on our message board, giving examples like "Four bees are flying to one flower" or "Three girls have long haircuts and two have short haircuts."  He used simple dot stickers to make his story clear, and then added details to the dots to make them into more interesting pictures.  We then tried this on our own at the math centre.  People were picking cats at the pet store, princesses were sharing a flower, and robins were learning lessons in tolerance!  Very interesting!

Other Things We Did
On Wednesday, we celebrated the International Day of Pink!  All week, we were reading books and talking about how it's okay to be yourself, even if yourself is a little bit different from what people think you should be, and how there really isn't such a thing as "boy things" and "girl things".  Almost everybody wore pink on Wednesday and those who didn't got to wear a Day of Pink sticker.

We found a lost ladybug in our stairway and decided we'd move it in to our worm home.  So far, so good!

We kept playing "That's Not A Number", focusing on the number 4, which we learned we can make with an upper-case L and a simple 1.  We also added number 6!

With Spring coming, Mr. McCullough planted some "trees" at the back of the class that looked a lot like celery.  We talked about what could make these trees grow stronger.  We decided water would help, but Mr. McCullough ran out of water and all we had left was red, blue and green food colouring!  We tried watering out "trees" (which looked a bit like celery) with food colouring and, by the end of the day, they had started to change colours.  By Friday, their leaves had completely changed!

We also planted some "trees" in our sandbox and water table, just to see which ones would grow or stay strong!

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