Friday 13 December 2013

Week 15: What's In A Name?

Books We Read
Lisa and the Snowman
Monty Goes South
The Little Engine That Could

Song of the Week
Winter Holiday

Ding, ding, ding!  A winter holiday!
Ding, ding, ding!  A jolly holiday!
Some call it Christmas, some call it Hanukkah!
Candles for Christmas, candles for Hanukkah!
Ding, ding, ding!  A winter holiday!
Ding, ding, ding!  A jolly holiday!

(song repeats two more verses with "candles" being replaced by "presents" and "parties")

Weekly Centres
Printing U and V
We doubled up on our letters this week, working on both the letter U and the letter V!

Snowman Names
After learning how to count the letters in our name, we wrote our names, one letter at a time, on circles.  We then cut the circles out, glued them on a black construction paper board, and stuck them to a black poster board.

Snowy Ponds, Part 1
In the first part of a two-part craft, we used watercolour paper and food colouring to create ponds!  Next week, we'll be "freezing" the ponds.

Patterned Links
Everybody got a strip of paper and created a pattern on that paper.  We then added all of the papers together and created a line of links, making a whole new pattern by alternating the pink and the green of the construction paper.

Other Things We Did
We learned how to count the letters in our name, either by spelling our name out loud (or in our head) and counting on our fingers, or looking at our name and counting the letters that way.  We also talked about ideas like more than and most, less than and least, and the same.  We used this information to find out who had the longest name in the class (it was Shaugnessy at 10) and who had the least (it was Ezra at 4).

"ie" and "ee" were added to our Jolly Jingles!

We started adding "sight sounds" based on sight words we already knew.  This week's sight sound was "ing", which we found on words like snowing, thinking and running!

We learned about migration, where animals move from one place to the other to find food or warmth, or even both.

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