Tuesday 17 December 2013

Week 16: Holiday Countdown

Books We Read
A Bad Kitty Christmas
The Legend of Old Befana
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Weekly Activities
December Portfolio
The fourth page was added to our portfolio, and it's getting ever more colourful.  Mr. McCullough has been writing a lot for us now that we're getting the hang of describing our pictures and, soon, we'll be writing our own words!

Frozen Ponds
Using white, light blue and grey paint, as well as some glitter, we "snowed over" our ponds!

Reindeer Ornaments
Everybody got a triangle made of colourful popsicle sticks, which we were then asked to turn into a reindeer face!

Other Things We Did
We talked about the most important thing during the holidays, and we learned that it's not presents, or Santa, or a big meal or toys.  The holidays are about spending time with the people we love and being happy we have them!

Our Holiday Show & Share was Tuesday and we saw a lot of interesting things, from favourite toys that were given to us on the holidays, to holiday themed toys like reindeer and snowglobes, to light up and musical items!  There was even a letter from Santa!

Friday 13 December 2013

Week 15: What's In A Name?

Books We Read
Lisa and the Snowman
Monty Goes South
The Little Engine That Could

Song of the Week
Winter Holiday

Ding, ding, ding!  A winter holiday!
Ding, ding, ding!  A jolly holiday!
Some call it Christmas, some call it Hanukkah!
Candles for Christmas, candles for Hanukkah!
Ding, ding, ding!  A winter holiday!
Ding, ding, ding!  A jolly holiday!

(song repeats two more verses with "candles" being replaced by "presents" and "parties")

Weekly Centres
Printing U and V
We doubled up on our letters this week, working on both the letter U and the letter V!

Snowman Names
After learning how to count the letters in our name, we wrote our names, one letter at a time, on circles.  We then cut the circles out, glued them on a black construction paper board, and stuck them to a black poster board.

Snowy Ponds, Part 1
In the first part of a two-part craft, we used watercolour paper and food colouring to create ponds!  Next week, we'll be "freezing" the ponds.

Patterned Links
Everybody got a strip of paper and created a pattern on that paper.  We then added all of the papers together and created a line of links, making a whole new pattern by alternating the pink and the green of the construction paper.

Other Things We Did
We learned how to count the letters in our name, either by spelling our name out loud (or in our head) and counting on our fingers, or looking at our name and counting the letters that way.  We also talked about ideas like more than and most, less than and least, and the same.  We used this information to find out who had the longest name in the class (it was Shaugnessy at 10) and who had the least (it was Ezra at 4).

"ie" and "ee" were added to our Jolly Jingles!

We started adding "sight sounds" based on sight words we already knew.  This week's sight sound was "ing", which we found on words like snowing, thinking and running!

We learned about migration, where animals move from one place to the other to find food or warmth, or even both.

Monday 2 December 2013

December Calendar

Week 14: Only in Winter

Books We Read
Press Here
Tap the Magic Tree
Malke's Secret Recipe
Snowy Sports: Ready, Set, Go!

Weekly Centres
Letter L
We worked on the second hardest letter to print in the whole universe, the letter L.  We didn't really find it that hard, but maybe some people do.

Dress the Snowman
Mr. McCullough gave us a piece of paper with three stacked circles on it.  It was our job to dress the circles to make a snowman.  Using googly eyes, pipe cleaner, tissue and construction paper, white glue and glue sticks, we gave our snowmen eyes, noses, mouths, hats, arms, legs and, for a couple, dresses!

Only in Winter
Using the other side of our "Only in Fall" picture, we created Only in Winter pictures.  We talked about things we could only do in the winter and drew a picture of that activity.  Mr. McCullough then strung a ribbon through the top and created fall/winter mobiles in the room!

Other Things We Did
We incorporated Chanukkah into our daily math, answering questions like how many candles were on the menorah and how many have been lit so far.

We created "Hand Menorahs".  We chose our coloured construction paper, then a colour for our hands.  Mr. McCullough painted our hands, and then we planted them on the paper.  We added lights to the menorahs on our own!  We also solved pattern mysteries where we had to figure out how to get two attributes (hand colour and paper colour) to match to continue our pattern.

After reading Press Here a second time, we figured out action words in the book.  Words like press, rub, tap, shake and blow!  Tap the Magic Tree also taught us other action words!  We'll be using these words when we create our own Press Here books with our Reading Buddies.

We talked about authors and how they write different books with different characters.  Mme. Degroot taught us that the author of the Charlie and Lola books had written other books, and we looked for the similarities between the two.  Mr. McCullough read Snowball, which was written by Lois Elhert, who had also written Leaf Man.  We looked at both books for similarities and differences.

This also led to some talk about how books can remind us of other books.