Wednesday 11 September 2013

Week 2: How Do You Fill Your Bucket?

Books We Read
Those Shoes
Chicka Chicka 123
I Am Absolutely Extremely Boiling
The Giving Tree
On My First Day of School

Song of the Week
Fill A Bucket (sung to Frere Jacques)

Fill a bucket (fill a bucket)
Every day (every day)
I can fill a bucket (I can fill a bucket)
You can too! (You can too)

Fill a bucket (fill a bucket)
Every day (every day)
I like filling buckets (I like filling buckets)
You will, too! (You will, too!)

Weekly Centres
We give children a chance to explore a variety of centres during the week, making their own discoveries as they go.  Every week, we have a variety of "guided" centres that focus on specific skills.  These will be the centres listed.

September Portfolio
Our first page of our writing portfolio was finished this week!  We were asked to write our name and draw a picture of anything we like!  Then, Mr. McCullough wrote down what we drew!

Bucket Pictures
Keeping with the "What fills your bucket?" idea, everybody drew a picture of the things that fill their bucket.  Some people drew kisses, others drew toys, some drew families and some drew hugs! 

Sensory Centres
Mr. McCullough brought out a bucket with things that squish, smoosh, shake, make sounds, light-up and move!  It was our job to figure out how everything w

Blocks & Buckets
We figured out the different items in our building buckets, which include train tracks, magnet blocks and building straws, among other things. 

Other Things We Did
We talked some more about what fills our buckets and, after singing the "Fill A Bucket" song, we shared what filled our bucket.  For some people, it changed every day!

Stories like "Those Shoes" and "I Am Absolutely Extremely Boiling" taught us about sharing, and we had a few talks about how to ask for things politely.

We kept counting the days of school and everybody made a guess about how many days were in school.  We had guesses from 2 to 1000200....

...and then we had a talk about how some of us might be wrong, and it's okay to be wrong because being wrong sometimes helps us learn!

We also "tucked away" the ending of Chicka Chicka 123, because Mr. McCullough said we'd need to remember it on a very special day of school (although we're not sure what day that is yet).

Mme. Degroot had us practice taking books off of shelves in the library, and soon we'll be able to take some home!

We learned the two different meanings of "boiling", and talked about how sometimes we use a word to describe something that isn't actually happening (none of us were REALLY boiling on Wednesday, even though it was REALLY hot!)

After reading "The Giving Tree", we talked about what it means to be a good friend, and how being a good friend means sharing, but also being honest with other friends if you're not feeling okay about what they're doing.

Our sensory centre had a Slinky, but NOBODY had ever seen a Slinky work in the real world!  So, we tried it out on the steps of the school and it DIDN'T WORK!  So, we came up with ideas of why not (steps were too wide, black stripes were making the slinky stick) before building our own steps in the classroom from our block centre!  Everybody loved watching the Slinky go!

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