Sunday 11 November 2012

Week 9: Halloween Week!

Due to Mr. McCullough being sick and a computer formatting issue, we were unable to complete this blog entry and, unfortunately, lost the picture that would be attached to this post.  Here's a brief sketch of what we did in our centres and some of the week's big activities.

Using the letters we have learned so far, we revisited our portfolio pages.  Students spelled the letters in their name that they learn, traced the ones they did not know, and drew an explained a picture of their choosing for their portfolio.

File Art
Students decorate large envelopes, which will be used to house all of their work for the upcoming school year.

Fall Art
Using two provided lines, students created a brown tree and multicoloured leaves to show what trees look like in the fall.

Block Centre
Students were asked to create "spooky" buildings for Halloween.

House Centre
This was a free play centre this week.

Other Things We Did

We had our Halloween Parade, where we got to walk around the neighbourhood and show off our costumes.
We learned that pumpkins - small ones, medium ones and big ones - ALL float!
We learned that our medium pumpkin had 496 seeds!

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