Sunday 30 September 2012

Kindergarten Week 4: Signs of Fall

Books We Read

The Great Fuzz Frenzy
O Canada
Franklin's New Friend

Song of the Week
O' Canada (Second Verse - quite a few of the kids actually got it!)

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western sea.
Thou land of hope for all who toil!
Thou True North, strong and free!

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Weekly Centres

We continued learning our letters, this week working on the letter E

We sorted teddy bears, sticks and buttons by size, colour and shape.

We worked on the first part of a two-part project, leaf rubbings!  Students rubbed the outline of a leaf into a white piece of paper, which will be painted with watercolours next week!

Students were given magnifying glasses to look at our fall discovery table and see if they could find out what was on the table (answers to be given in week five).  They also used the Fall Finder to discover and draw signs of fall right outside our window.

Free Centre

We returned to the sandbox centre this week, but the challenge was now to add water and see if we could build castles and notice what happens to the sand as it gets wetter and wetter.

Other Things We Did
We sang verse two of O Canada with our Reading Buddies at the tree planting ceremony which was held at Jackman in honour of Jack Layton.

We learned how to take books out of the library and have started taking them home!

We also made our own library cards.

We had our first supply teacher of the year, Ms. Sparling, who will be back for the afternoon of October 1st.

Monday 24 September 2012

Kindergarten Week 3: Heroes and Good Friends

Books We Read
Terry's Story
(we didn't actually read it, but I showed the students pictures and explained the story of Terry Fox and why we run for him every year)
We Share Everything
A Sick Day for Amos McGee
The Pet Dragon

Weekly Poem/Song
(to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it")
Where do you start your letters?  At the top!
Where do you start your letters? At the top!
If you want to write a letter then you better, better, better
Remember to start it at the top!
Is this the top, top, top?  No, it's the bottom!
Is this the top, top, top?  No, it's the middle!
Is this the top, top, top?  Yes, it's the top, top, top!
Remember to start it at the top!

Weekly Centres

We worked on writing the letter "F" (remembering that our letters start at the top!) both on chalkboards and on sand.

We sorted a rainbow of bears into lines of numbers.

We each designed our own hero (super or otherwise), giving them names and powers.

Using the water table, we started making scientific predictions about whether objects would sink or float.

Sand Table
Sand was used as a free play centre this week, as students shared the different sand toys.

Other Things We Did
We came up with definitions for "hero" (somebody who helps or saves people) and "prediction" (a thinking guess).
We worked on the concept of bigger and smaller using numbers.
We kept changing our predictions of how many days are in the school year.
We learned how to find books in the library.  Soon, we'll start taking them home!

Monday 17 September 2012

Week 2: Friends and Filling Buckets

Hey everybody!

Another fun week in Room 207!  Here's what we did!

Books We Read
Those Shoes
Enemy Pie
The Giving Tree

Poem/Song of the Week
(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Fill a bucket (fill a bucket)
Every day (every day)
I can fill a bucket (I can fill a bucket)
You can too (You can too)

Fill a bucket (fill a bucket)
Every day (every day)
I like filling buckets (I like filling buckets)
You will too (you will too)

Weekly Centres

We created our"September" page for our portfolios, drawing a picture of anything we want and writing our names (or attempting to)

We drew pictures of what makes us happy inside buckets so everybody can know what "Fills Our Buckets"

We tried to recreate structures in pictures by the wall.

House & Drama:
We were challenged to set the table to look like a picture.

Sense and Sensory:
We practiced our fine motor skills by tracing lines, playing with shoelaces and using tweezers to move small objects from one bowl to another.

Other Activities
We met our Grade 5 reading buddies and they read to us!
We learned and acted out the story of "Herman the Worm"
We changed our estimates of the number of school days in the year
We helped Mr. McCullough reorganize his alphabet tiles.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Week 1: My Friends and I

Hey everybody,

Here's a quick overview of what we did during our first week of kindergarten!

Books Read

Poem/Song of the Week

(Sung to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Kindergarten here we come.
We know we'll have lots of fun!
Lots of things to make and do.
Reading, writing, counting too.
Kindergarten here we come.
We know we'll have lots of fun!


Students were asked to draw a picture of themselves and attempt to write their names!  We will be revisiting this activity later in the year to see how students do.

Other Activities
We learned how to use the block, sand and drama centre.
We danced to the "Popcorn" song.
We are signing in every day before we start our daily reading.
We are counting down to... how many days are there in the school year again?